MCWA Bylaws 2024-2025 Season
Bylaws 2022-2023 Marsh Creek Women’s Association (MCWA) 169 Marshside Drive St. Augustine, Fl. 32080
1. PURPOSE: Marsh Creek Women’s Association, herein referred to as “MCWA”, is an organization whose purpose is to:
1.1. Provide a contact for new Marsh Creek Country Club (MCCC) members who have expressed an interest in MCWA.
1.2. Provide assistance and charitable support to our community.
1.3. Provide communication, enrichment, and social activities for its MCWA members.
2. MEMBERSHIP: Members in good standing of Marsh Creek Country Club, 169 Marshside Drive, St. Augustine, Florida are eligible for membership.
2.1. Membership eligibility shall reflect Marsh Creek Country Club membership policies.
2.2. Annual dues are in effect from August 1 to July 31 and shall be an amount approved by the Board of Directors, payable in one installment.
3.1.1. OFFICERS: The officers of the Association shall be: President, Vice President, Treasurer, Recording Secretary, Communications Officer, and Past President. These officers shall perform the duties prescribed. The President, Vice President, and Past President shall be limited to one consecutive term each. The Recording Secretary and Communication Officer may serve more than one-term, but not more than three consecutive terms in the same position. No Executive Officer shall hold more than one office concurrently, with the exception of the Vice President, who in the absence of the President, will fill that position.
3.1.2. THE PRESIDENT serves as the Chief Executive Officer of the Association and the Chair of the Board of Directors. The President shall appoint all Committee Chairs and serve as an ex-officio member of each committee. The President presides over Board meetings; leads the Board in the performance of its responsibilities; and is a primary spokesperson for the MCWA. The President may sign all checks.
3.1.3. THE VICE PRESIDENT serves as the Program Committee Chair. The Vice President shall perform the duties of the President when the President is unable to perform them. The Vice President shall perform those functions delegated to the Vice President by the President. The Vice President shall succeed the President. The Vice President position is a commitment for three years, commencing with the election of Vice President, transitioning to President and then Past President. In the event the Vice President is unable to move into the role of President, a meeting of MCWA membership will be held to elect a President by majority vote of those present.
3.1.4. THE TREASURER serves as the Finance Committee Chair. The Treasurer shall perform those functions delegated to the Treasurer by the President. The Treasurer shall safeguard the assets of the Association; maintain control over the receipt and disbursement of the MCWA funds; oversee the preparation of the annual budget; prepare and present monthly financial reports and an annual report to the Board. The annual budget, balance sheet, bank statements and supporting documentation shall be reviewed annually by a qualified non-Board member. The Treasurer is authorized to sign all checks. All expenditures must be paid in full by August 31. A sum of no less than $2,000.00 shall be held in reserve for the incoming Board of Directors.
3.1.5. THE RECORDING SECRETARY shall perform those functions delegated to the Secretary by the President. The Secretary shall record and retain the minutes of all Executive, Board, and Special meetings and collect and retain the minutes of all other Committee meetings. The Secretary shall safeguard these records. The Secretary shall give notice of meetings and distribute minutes and other documents as needed.
3.1.6. The COMMUNICATIONS OFFICER serves as the Communications Committee Chair. The Communications Chair shall oversee uniformity, reliability, and consistency of internal and external MCWA communications, including written and published materials, website, and social media.
3.1.7. The PAST PRESIDENT serves as an advisor to the Board of Directors for a one-year term.
3.2. VACANCIES: Executive Committee Officer vacancies, while in office, shall be elected by a majority vote of the Board of Directors present at the meeting.
4.1. TERMS AND QUALIFICATIONS: The affairs of MCWA shall be governed by a Board of Directors composed of the Executive Committee and Standing Committee Chairs. To be nominated for office of the President or Vice President, the nominee must have, preferably, served on the Board, as a Committee Chair, or Vice Chair. Committee Chairs may appoint Vice Chairs, as needed, to perform the work of MCWA. The Chair of the Outreach Committee shall be the Vice Chair of the Fundraising Committee. Vice Chairs are encouraged to attend Board meetings as non-voting participants.
Board meetings shall be held on the first Wednesday of every month. Changes to Board meeting schedules may be determined by the President, or a majority of the Board of Directors.
4.3. POWERS AND DUTIES: The Board of Directors shall be subject to the Bylaws of the MCWA. The Board of Directors shall establish the mission and goals; ensure financial stability; ensure viability of MCWA; maintain the integrity, independence, and ideals of the MCWA.
4.4. BOARD MEMBERS RESPONSIBILITIES: Board members shall be committed to the mission and goals; perform the work of the Board to the best of their ability; recommend others who could serve on the Board; avoid conflicts of interest; and be knowledgeable about MCWA and the services it provides in the community.
5.1. Monthly MCWA meetings will be held on the second Wednesday of eight consecutive months, followed by luncheon programs. Changes to MCWA meeting schedules may be determined by the President or a majority of the Board of Directors.
5.2. Special meetings may be called by the President, the Board of Directors, or by a group (minimum of ten) MCWA members. The group must provide written notification to the President, with the purpose, agenda, and attendees of the requested meeting, at least ten days in advance. Changes to Special meetings may be determined by the President, or a majority of the Board of Directors.
6. COMMITTEES: Committees serve as the working teams of the MCWA. Committees research, discuss, and present work plans for the upcoming year to the Board of Directors for approval. Committees shall implement approved work plans. The President may appoint an Ad Hoc Committee, for a particular purpose, to do the work of MCWA. All Committee Chairs and committee members shall be members of the MCWA.
6.1. The Standing Committees are: Art Show, Care, Communications, Finance, Fundraising, Membership, Nominating, Outreach, Programs, and Social Events.
6.1.1. ART SHOW COMMITTEE shall plan and organize an annual art and craft show consisting of members of Marsh Creek Country Club or Marsh Creek residents.
6.1.2. CARE COMMITTEE will make best efforts to offer MCWA members and all Marsh Creek Community residents, short-term support in the event of surgery, illness, or death in the family.
6.1.3. COMMUNICATIONS COMMITTEE: The Communications Chair shall chair the committee. The committee shall develop the communications strategy, both internally and externally, through editorial and approval services for brochures, newsletters, posters, postcards, calendar, press releases; branding design and content; social media creation and administration; website design and administration, content accuracy, and consistency.
6.1.4. FINANCE COMMITTEE: The Treasurer shall be Chair and appoint a Vice Chair. Committee members shall include, at a minimum, a representative from Fundraising, Outreach, and Social Events committees.
6.1.5. FUNDRAISING COMMITTEE shall be responsible for planning and organizing fundraising events in collaboration with the Outreach Committee. The Outreach Chair shall be the Vice Chair of the Fundraising Committee.
6.1.6. MEMBERSHIP COMMITTEE members shall welcome and greet new Marsh Creek Country Club members, with an interest in Marsh Creek Women’s Association, and introduce them to MCWA. The Committee Chair shall maintain membership records for inclusion in the print and web directories; is responsible for organizing the monthly luncheon table arrangement and assign seating in collaboration with MCCC staff and the Program Chair. The Committee Chair works closely with the Treasurer and MCCC staff to ensure accuracy of membership information and billing MCWA for luncheon guests. The Committee will prepare and update the Membership Brochure, maintain the online directory, and publish the Annual MCWA Directory.
6.1.7. NOMINATING COMMITTEE: The President will identify a three to five member Nominating Committee for Board approval in January. The Nominating Committee’s responsibility is to produce, for the Board's approval, a slate of names for the positions of Vice President, Treasurer, Recording Secretary, and Communications Officer. Members of the Nominating Committee shall not be nominated for positions of Vice President, Treasurer, Recording Secretary, or Communications Officer. The Nominating Committee shall report the slate of proposed officers at the April meeting. Nominations made from the floor, at the annual election at the May meeting, must have prior consent of the nominee(s) and who must be a member in good standing.
The newly nominated Officers shall be elected by a majority vote of the members attending the May MCWA meeting of the year. The elected Officers terms of office begin immediately, allowing for a transition period during the summer months.
6.1.8. OUTREACH COMMITTEE shall assist selected not-for-profit charitable organizations and families in St. Johns County. The Committee shall define the process by which the not-for-profit charities are selected and the process shall be approved by the Board. The Chair shall submit a list of selected not-for-profit organizations to the Board of Directors for approval. The Chair shall appoint liaisons for the selected not-for-profits, Angel Tree, Awards Committee, or other special projects. The Chair will maintain accurate records of funds raised and distributed throughout the year, working in collaboration with the Treasurer. The Outreach Chair shall serve as the Vice Chair of the Fundraising Committee.
6.1.9. PROGRAMS COMMITTEE shall be responsible for planning and organizing the monthly luncheon programs, choosing the meal, and purchasing door prizes. The Vice-President chairs the Programs Committee and presents luncheon programs to the Board for approval. The Chair works closely with MCCC staff on food/beverages/logistics, and the Treasurer and Membership Chair.
6.1.10. SOCIAL EVENTS COMMITTEE shall propose events for board approval and then organize the events for the MCWA members and their guests. The Chair shall be responsible for maintaining accurate records of funds collected for Social Events in collaboration with the Treasurer.
7. AMENDMENTS OF BYLAWS: These bylaws may be amended at any meeting of MCWA by a two-thirds vote of MCWA members present at the meeting, provided that the amendments are submitted to the membership in writing, which can include by email, at least twenty days in advance. Bylaws shall be reviewed and revised, if necessary, every year by a committee of three to five members appointed by the President.
8. PARLIAMENTARY AUTHORITY: The Parliamentary Authority of the association shall be Robert’s Rules of Order.