Monthly Luncheon Programs
Ginger Foley, Nancy Erion, Louise Parker, Diane King, and Ann Farnell
In keeping with our Mission Statement, we provide a network for friendships, growth, learning and giving back to the community of St Augustine.
Our meetings are regularly scheduled Luncheons for members of mcwa
Luncheons are generally held the second Wednesday of each month, October through May at 11:30a.m. to 2p.m.
Reservations are required
Please call (904) 461-1101 or email to reserve your seat. Your bill is charged to your Marsh Creek Account.
If you cannot make the luncheon, but have reserved your seat, please cancel 48 hours prior to the luncheon or you will be charged.
Marsh Creek Women’s Association encourages camaraderie of all members. Our assigned seating protocol helps us all get to know each other!
Remember to bring a check or credit card should you decide to sign up for a social or cultural event.