Charitable Outreach Photos
Volunteers engaged in packing activities the first week of September at South Woods Elementary School in Elkton. Volunteers adhered to CDC COVID-19 guidelines. Families will pick up the boxes and bagged foods which will carry them for 12 weeks.
During these times, we all need each other more than ever. Covid-19 has altered the way we have to do things, but that does not mean we can’t be an effective community of strength. There are many ways you can make a difference. Please consider joining these committees and supporting Emergency Services and Homeless Coalition.
Melody Ness and Mary Ann Meyer purchased and delivered 44 pairs of shoes to Emergency Services Homeless Coalitions. MCWA made it possible for all the kids to have a new pair of shoes for the fall.
On Monday May 11th, Debbie Coates, President of Marsh Creek Women's Association, Hilde Berdine and Camille Kay, Co-Chairs of the Outreach Committee visited Port in the Storm. Debbie Coates,on the right, presented our check for $3000 to Ms. Karen Hensel, Director of Port in the Storm Homeless Youth Center.
Two of our selected charities received checks by mail.
On Friday May 8, 2020 Debbie Coates, President of MCWA presented a check to Chris Mastoridis, Executive Director of Wildflower Healthcare.
On Thursday, May 7th, four cars were loaded with over one hundred thirty shopping bags full of non-perishable food and transported to the Emergency Services and Homeless Coalition campus. The food collection represented the efforts of MCWA members along with support from the Marsh Creek Neighborhood.
May 5th, Debbie Coates, President of the MCWA, presented a check on behalf of our organization to Food 4 Kids in the amount of $3500!! Debbie and Adrienne Lyons, MCWA Liaison to Food 4 Kids, met at the Southwoods Elementary School in Hastings.