the membership chair is Peggy gaghet and co-chair is rosemary hurley
The Marsh Creek Women’s Association cordially invites any and all members of Marsh Creek Country Club to participate in our organization.
Our meetings are regularly scheduled Luncheons
We welcome new members and celebrate those of you who have participated in past years.
Rosemary Hurley and Peggy Gachet
In keeping with our Mission Statement, we provide a network for friendships, growth, learning and giving back to the community of St Augustine.
Our annual fee is $50 payable September 1st, and must be paid by October 15th to ensure inclusion in our printed Membership Directory. Please click the Membership Registration button below to become a new member or renew your membership.
For more information about membership please contact Peggy Gachet or Rosemary Hurley, Chair and Co-Chair.
Renew Your Membership
New Members
Join a Committee and Make New Friends
COMMITTEES: The Committees shall be the working teams of the Association, which are charged to investigate, discuss and present their plans of work, suggestions and ideas for the upcoming season to the Board of Directors for approval.
ART SHOW COMMITTEE shall plan and organize an annual art show consisting of artists in the Marsh Creek Country Club and neighboring Marsh Creek community.
CARE COMMITTEE will make best efforts to offer MCWA members and all Marsh Creek Community residents, short-term support in the event of surgery, illness, or death in the family.
COMMUNICATIONS COMMITTEE shall manage the communications strategy, sharing the mission of MCWA and telling our story, both internally and externally through various medium, such as the website, facebook page, articles, membership emails.
MEMBERSHIP COMMITTEE shall be the first contact for new members of MCWA. The Committee is responsible for organizing the monthly luncheon seating, and shall serve as greeters. The Chair shall coordinate with the Treasurer for membership details. The Committee will prepare and update the Membership Brochure and publish the Annual MCWA Directory.
OUTREACH COMMITTEE shall assist charitable organizations and families in the St. Augustine area. The Chair shall submit a list of selected non-profit organizations, to the Board of Directors for approval. The Chair shall appoint liaisons for the selected non-profits, and also appoint Chairs for projects such as the Angel Tree and Awards Committee. The Chair will maintain accurate records of donation funds raised and distributed throughout the year. The Outreach Chair shall serve as the Vice Chair of the Fundraising Committee.
PROGRAMS COMMITTEE shall be responsible for planning and organizing the monthly Luncheon Programs. The Vice-President chairs the Programs Committee and presents Luncheon Programs to the Board for approval.
SOCIAL EVENTS COMMITTEE shall propose events for board approval and then organize the events for the Association members and their guests. The chair shall be responsible for maintaining accurate records of funds collected for Social Events.
FUNDRAISING COMMITTEE shall be responsible for planning and organizing fundraising events.
NOMINATING COMMITTEE The President will identify a three member Nominating Committee for Board approval in January. The Nominating Committee’s responsibility is to produce for the Board's approval a slate of names for the positions of Vice President, Treasurer, Recording Secretary, Communications Chair and Website Chair . The Nominating Committee shall report the slate of proposed officers at the next to the last luncheon meeting. Nominations made from the floor, at the annual election in May, must have prior consent of the nominee(s) and who must be a member in good standing.