New Year & New Opportunities!

If you are looking for ways to help out in our community, here are some suggestions!

Please fill out the form if you are interested in volunteering with our selected charities. You can read description of opportunities below the form.

Pie In the Sky

Are you available on Wednesdays?  

Pie In The Sky is looking for 12 volunteers to sort, pack, and load veggies, eggs, bread and frozen items for delivery to seniors in need.  This is a well organized and efficient operation to bring fresh food to seniors.

Dates: Wed. 2/14 and/or  Wed. 2/21  and/or Wed. 2/28

Time commitment: 8:30 am -10:45 am (please arrive a few minutes early)

If we can provide 12 volunteers each of these days to work with the Pie In The Sky Team Leaders, then this will allow the regular/weekly volunteers to have some time off. Please consider volunteering your time on any or all of these dates.

MCWA members packing food and loading vehicles for delivery

If you would like to join Michelle Kennedy and Noreen Rains on Wednesdays in February to pack food for very grateful seniors, please fill out the form above to select your date(s) and click submit.  You do not have to commit to every Wednesday, but we need to know for scheduling which dates you can help out.

Pie In The Sky is also looking for help with drivers to help deliver food to seniors in need.  If you are interested, you can indicate that on the form above.

Thank you!

Outreach Liaisons to Pie in the Sky

Noreen Rains

Michelle Kennedy

Alpha Omega Miracle Home

Alpha-Omega Miracle Home's mission is to break the cycle of poverty by providing housing and community support to single mothers, children, and senior women.

We invite you to consider some volunteer opportunities at Alpha-Omega Miracle Home by attending one of their upcoming Volunteer Orientations.

AOMH offers shelter, support, and hope to single mothers, their babies, and seniors

This is an excellent opportunity to discover the volunteer activities that interest you most. Potential activities include working at their Thrift Store, providing office assistance, helping at events, or engaging with residents in various ways, including babysitting, transportation, or conducting life skills classes.

Volunteer Orientation Details:

Location: 2860 Collins Ave, St. Augustine, FL 32084

  • January 16th (Tuesday): 10:30 AM to 12 PM

  • February 20th (Tuesday): 10:30 AM to 12 PM

Please let us know if you will attend a Volunteer Orientation by submitting the form above.

To get involved with Alpha Omega Miracle Home, kindly fill out their volunteer form:

All volunteers go through a brief background check.

If you cannot volunteer but still wish to contribute, consider donating to Alpha-Omega Miracle Home’s Thrift Store and/or their Blessings Closet. They will happily accept a wide range of donations and even offer furniture or more extensive item pickup services from your home.

We hope you can join us at one of the orientations to learn more about their organization and the impact they make in our community. For further inquiries, please feel free to contact the Outreach Liaisons for Alpha Omega Miracle Home.

Darice LeBeau,

Kathy Belleville,

Food 4 Kids

MCWA members and F4K volunteers preparing bags of food for the children of South Woods Elementary School

Food 4 Kids is seeking volunteers to pick up food from Aldi's and transport it to South Woods Elementary School to stock the pantry shelves. The days and times of volunteering vary based on the food needed in the pantry, which usually happens once a month. In addition, the pantry requires volunteers to staff it, welcome families, assist them with shopping in the pantry, and manage inventory.

The pantry is open on Mondays from 8 am to 12 noon and on Wednesdays from 11:30 am to 3:30 pm. Once or twice a month, volunteers are requested to shop and deliver food to families who cannot visit the pantry.

If you are interested in helping out, please contact Barbara Alford, Outreach Liaison for Food 4 Kids, at

Thank you for your support, Charitable Outreach Committee Chairs,

Mimi Iannuzzi,

Lisa McGlynn,