Car for Port in the Storm

Members Molly Courcy, Mimi Iannuzzi, Tracy Gallagher, and Lisa McGlynn presented the car donated by the MCWA to Port in the Storm. Their SOS Street Outreach workers will use the vehicle to identify youth in our community who need shelter and services.

Thank you to our members, donors and sponsors for making the Run for the Roses 2023 Gala a fundraising success and making this donation possible.

2023 Gala Donations Distributed

The Marsh Creek Women’s Association’s (MCWA) Annual Charity Gala raised more than $60,000 at their Run for the Roses Charity Gala on May 6th at Marsh Creek Country Club. Checks were presented at the June Luncheon to Alpha-Omega Miracle Home, Food 4 Kids, Pie in the Sky and Port in the Storm.

Pictured Left to Right:

Debbie Coates, Judy Dembrosky, Audra Young, Phyllis Woods, Janis Gregg, Barbara Alford and Mimi Iannuzzi

Blankets for Pie In the Sky Seniors

Our Outreach Committee learned that Pie In The Sky was in need of 50 blankets for their annual holiday bag donation to seniors in the county. We came through to make it possible and because of that we owe a huge thank you to all who organized the effort and to those who donated.

Christmas Gifts for a Family

Christine Matthaei and her family volunteered to shop and wrap gifts for a family of six in need this holiday season. The family's mother was in the hospital for four months awaiting a liver transplant and her health took a turn for the worst and she passed away.

Thank you for all of your generosity in helping to make one family's Christmas a little brighter. Your contributions at the December Luncheon made all of the difference.

Brunch Bags and Carols for Pie In the Sky Seniors

Members putting together brunch bags for our Pie in the Sky seniors in St. Johns County.

Brunch baskests were delivered to Pie in the Sky's Seniors by our Outreach volunteers and the Marsh Creek Chorale. Carols were sung to our seniors as we visited their homes.