Stuff the Truck

Although the event has passed, donations are always welcome for the Alpha-Omega Thrift Store

Although the event has passed, donations are always welcome for the Alpha-Omega Thrift Store

904 Now Interview - Get Your Hats and Saddle up!

Lisa McGlynn and Cheri Keirstead joined Davey and Pete on the 904 Now Afternoon Show to talk about MCWA’s community outreach and this Years Gala to benefit Pie In The Sky, Alpah-Omega Miracle Home and Food4Kids.

Thank you to our Triple Crown Sponsor, MASTERCRAFT Builder Group

Superfecta Sponsors, Hyundai of St. Augustine and Best Bet St. Augustine

All the sponsors and donors who are supporting this year’s Derby Day Charity Gala 2024

904 Now Interview - Get Your Hats and Saddle up!

New Resident at Alpha Omega Miracle Home Receives a Welcome Basket

Alpha Omega Miracle Home case manager, Kathy Estes, picked up a load of household items and cleaning supplies for our Alpha-Omega Miracle home residents from the amazing women of Marsh Creek Women's Association. THANK YOU for your generous donations! One of our new residents is pictured here in her apartment with a basket full of the donated gifts! Your support means the world to us and we are so grateful for your kindness. Together, we are making a difference!

350+ Bags Donated To The County's Food Pantry

The St. Johns County Food Bank was depleted due to the pandemic, and in four days just before Christmas our members heard the call and organized a successful food drive.

Acknowledging our work, Tracy Dillon, Social Services Manager of St. Johns County Health and Human Services sent this note to one of our members.

“We are extremely grateful for the Marsh Creek Community for their generous donation for our food pantry. As I stated yesterday, we assist over 40 St. Johns County residents [who] apply for food assistance/SNAP benefits thru the Department of Children and Families each month. These individuals are very grateful that we have staples to give them they leave to hold them over. In addition we administer other programs that benefit from our food closet, so this will have a positive impact to your community for months to come.

We are in the process of unpacking 350+ bags of food and are thankful beyond words for the generosity.”

Thank you to our members that donated and opened their homes for the food collection and drop off. A job well done by our Outreach Committee, Marsh Creek HOA Board and Marsh Creek Country Club.