Before enjoying a delicious lunch of salmon in a dill sauce with rice, broccoli, rolls and salad, the members attending today’s luncheon were treated to holiday songs sung by the Marsh Creek Chorale led by our own, Carolyn Brown. Patrice Cosier played piano. The theme was “Home for the Holidays,” with a variety of songs from We all enjoyed the music very much! Cal Brown and her daughter Carolyn wowed with “Benedictus.”
Dr. Lydia Daniel helped us all understand the needs for Port In The Storm, one of our outreach charities. These are teenage children on the cusp of being let loose into the adult world without the benefit of strong family support behind them. This is a place where they can come when home is not the best place to be and are in need of a safe place.
In our efforts to offer everyone an opportunity to contribute through our Giving Circle, if you are wanting to help in some way without an overwhelming commitment, consider being on the list of meal providers. One day a week, on Mondays, Port In The Storm relies on the generosity of those willing to bring in lunch for these kids. If you are interested, please contact: You will be added to the growing list of volunteers and contacted when your meal is needed, with back up if you cannot fulfill that day.
Angel Tree Donations are on the way to their destination thanks to Ann Farnell and her elves. The children and some families will benefit from MCWA generosity. Not only were all the angels taken and fulfilled, many of you made cash donations to the amount $2,000. Ann will make sure all gifts are equitable and fair. From that, $2000 will be used for afternoon snacks at The Homeless Coalition. Any extra funds will be put to good use among our charities and we’ll keep you posted.
Several new members were in attendance at the lunch today. A big welcome to them.