February Luncheon

Jessica Clark discussed her life as a news anchor and reporter in St Augustine, Florida.

June Luncheon & Gala Donations

We had a wonderful time celebrating the June luncheon and giving out the donations from our annual Derby Gala. Our former president, Nancy Erion, shared her joy in hearing that we were able to give $75,000 when her first year as president, the MCWA raised $23,000. How wonderful to be able to partner with Pie in the Sky, Food 4 Kids, and the Alpha Omega Miracle Home. We had a great time having representatives from each organization.

April Luncheon & Art Show

Christina Parish Stone, “Fair Winds to Elysium: Artists in St. Augustine, 1774 to 2024” from St. Johns Cultural Council provides some historical context for artists in St. Augustine and discusses where things are headed in the future.

So much talent is displayed at the MCWA’s 24th Annual Arts & Crafts Show

October Luncheon Program

Welcome to our newest MCWA Members!

Sherrie Provence, Director of the Limelight Theater shared her story and five talented actors from THE MUSIC MAN gave a wonderful performance.

Social Events

The Social Committee has a great selection of Events for this season