Fighting senior hunger
Pie in the Sky Community Alliance, Inc.
Mission Statement: To provide hope by serving with dignity and respect to alleviate hunger and social isolation through the home delivery of fresh healthy produce to as many low-income, hungry senior citizens as is physically and financially possible. Our program feeds the hunger in their bellies, gives a sense of connectedness to ease their fears, and a stead, reliable source of compassion to feed the hunger in their hearts.
Services offered: The Senior Produce Program delivers nearly 10,000 pounds of produce twice a month to homes of seniors in need. The number of families in need is increasing.
Education services: Company or club volunteers where a group can spend the day and see first-hand how they operate and meet some of their seniors.
Volunteer needs: The program is volunteer centric. In 2020, volunteers gave 3,091 hours to drive and deliver premium produce to all corners of St. John’s County. They are always in need of baggers and delivery drivers.