On Thursday, May 7th, four cars were loaded with over one hundred thirty shopping bags full of non-perishable food and transported to the Emergency Services and Homeless Coalition campus. The food collection represented the efforts of MCWA members along with support from the Marsh Creek Neighborhood. Mary Ann Meyer, MCWA Liaison to the ESHC was accompanied by Debbie Coates, President of MCWA, Outreach Committee Co-Chairs Hilde Berdine and Camille Kay, and committee members, Melody Ness and Lisa McGlynn.
Debbie Coates, President of MCWA, presented Debi Redding, Director of Emergency Services Homeless Coalition, with a check for $2500 from our annual fundraising efforts. In addition, the MCWA and the Marsh Creek Neighborhood raised an additional $1070 in personal donations for the ESHC food pantry.
The MCWA Outreach Committee extends a BIG THANK YOU to the members of MCWA and to our neighbors in Marsh Creek for their overwhelming support and generosity to our local community!