May 5th, Debbie Coates, President of the MCWA, presented a check on behalf of our organization to Food 4 Kids in the amount of $3500!! Debbie and Adrienne Lyons, MCWA Liaison to Food 4 Kids, met at the Southwoods Elementary School in Hastings.
From Left to Right: Vic Yerrill, Outgoing Director of Food 4 Kids, Debbie Coates, President MCWA, and Barbara Alford, Incoming Director of Food 4 Kids and also a MCWA member.
From Left to RIght: Vic Yerrill, Debbie Coates, Adrienne Lyons, MCWA Liaison to Food 4 Kids, and Barbara Alford.
School buses take breakfast and lunch food to neighborhoods in the Southwood Elementary School District daily. Adrienne Lyons, Barbara Alford and Bus Driver loading the grocery bags of food on the bus.