The Giving Circle

The Giving Circle is the opportunity to connect all members of Marsh Creek Women’s Association with our selected charities. We can choose to support our charities by way of monetary donation, volunteer service, attending charity fundraisers or donating tangible items. The Giving Circle recognizes how important individual commitment is to the outreach mission of our association
The Giving Circle in Action
Volunteers engaged in packing activities the first week of September at South Woods Elementary School in Elkton. Volunteers adhered to CDC COVID-19 guidelines. Families will pick up the boxes and bagged foods which will carry them for 12 weeks.
Two of our selected charities received checks by mail.
May 5th, Debbie Coates, President of the MCWA, presented a check on behalf of our organization to Food 4 Kids in the amount of $3500!! Debbie and Adrienne Lyons, MCWA Liaison to Food 4 Kids, met at the Southwoods Elementary School in Hastings.